Mental Health - Out of Cornwall Placements
With mental health services so limited in Cornwall so many people are being placed out of Cornwall and very far away from their home and family. As an example we have recently had clients who live in Cornwall placed as far away as Warrington and Attleborough, Norfolk. Being placed out of county has not only a significant impact upon the patient but also their family and friends. A report by an independent Commission lists ways psychiatric services must improve, a summary of the recommendations is available here.
Sadly it can take an extremely long time to return home and rarely in our experience has anything really been achieved by being placed so far away.
We work hard to try and keep our clients in the county and, if they are moved out to achieve their return as quickly as possible.
The press this report has received today is great but the issue desperately needs to be addressed to better those affected by mental disorders across the country.
You can read the full report here.
Press coverage of the issue is highlighted in this article by the The Guardian.